Sunday, December 21, 2008

what an amazing winter solstice!! we & most of you it sounds like from wisconsin to oklahoma to washington are experiencing impressive winter weather!! hope you are all staying safe & warm. daddy is safely at work, but please pray for his travels home tonight. (grandma mary too!)

HOLY CRAP!!!!!! a big branch (loaded w/ ice!) just fell ontop our roof!! Scared the stability right out of my fingers!! & i was just thinking about going out to take a few pics while my precious is napping...a crack & then it slid right off the icey roof!! flo & i both halled but out the bedroom cuz we knew it was right over our head...
anyways, with my saddest face i tell you our camera is officially broken, i can take pics, but i can't get them to you via computer...the disabled cord has retired to it's resting area in the in peace little cord, you have had a very tough & busy life!!
and ladies, don't worry about any more branches okay? there isn't any close enough that are going to damage our don't worry!!
~~love you all very much~~

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