Friday, November 26, 2010

superman or spiderman are usually not far away! sure is nice to have a superhero in the house :)

evil laugh

big z is always
got something in his mouth!!!
(his personal modality of raising my blood pressure)


mary the boys & grandpa mike~thanks for the smiles everyone!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

the boy's check ups went well.
charlie is still off the charts at 42" & 42 lbs...
isaiah is a bit more on track, although in the 98.75% for head size at 19.02"!!
he weighed in at 23lb 5oz 7 (83 percentile)& is 2'5.25" high(79th percentile) ~ guess we breed 'em large! whose kids are these they're compared to anyways? elves?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

we put charlie's tree up last week. it almost works as an incentive to get him to nap/sleep in his own bed. am working on that again. i gave up for the last few months! during our conversation about it the other night, he asked if the california king would fit in his room so we could all sleep there, after i told him he needed to sleep in his own room!
gg, this is the tree you/we got post christmas sales last year! it is really pretty!
christmas is falling around the house day by day..piece by piece! it makes my heart smile, so why not!? it is only 6 weeks away after all...can i put the wreath on the door yet?! haha...happy holidays!!
hey. sorry it's been so long! think we can keep up now.
not much new...we have an awesome house. it isn't always tidy, but it is awesome non the less (notice the "e" daddy?)
OH! big man is walking!! hmmm.october 28th. two days into being 9 months :0 smarty pants. charlie walked at nine months too. speaking of the wee little star. he's going through some rediculous phase. since saturday, i can't put him down much less leave his sight (unless grandma is around! thanks grandma!) i don't know if it is teething or if i snuck out sat am to go to work without saying good bye to him, so now he may think i'm going to disappear at any given moment? hmm...'tis a bit flattering, to be so desired. however, we're not getting even an iota of sleep on this schedule!!! ....oh well, more time to spend with baby!!!
the seasons are chainging beautifully-i love the fall. okay-done playing on the computer w one hand!...he's getting louder !!!

we hit up the mall for "trick or treating"..along with the rest of the county!

awww..sleeping yoda~

luke & rebecca came down to suprise mom for her bday...sorry, they didn't make the picture book that night! brian did his magic in the kitchen, it was lovely of course. thanks daddy :)
charlie trying to fit into yoda ;)

they're so much fun!

oh, about the foam finger. charlie wanted to know where his pirate's sword was-the dude in the picture had one. so i glanced around & said "here ya go!" he was running around saying "go cougs!!"

ship background

Free Layouts for MySpace

I made my layout with the Myspace Background Maker. Get myspace layouts, graphics, and flash toys at pYzam.