Thursday, November 28, 2013

winner winner chicken dinner. daddy took some photos while I was at work. we wanted to do a funny Christmas card. next year hopefully we can come up with a full family funny card. my idea this year was to set the boys, all three, on the couch with ipods, phones, whatever. and me on the side with my arms crossed and eyes rolled. and the next sequence photo be them tied up in Christmas lights and me on the side with a smile.

daddy is making great fish and chips with salmon and yam fries! my favorite.

yes. this activity makes me crazy anxious. i wont forget cousin katie jo's baby broke his femur (thigh bone)  jumping on their a year and a half!!!  AHHHH. do mom's make it !?!  i can't believe more of us don't die of heart attacks or sheer anxiety!

 looking through ice

moose is working using his skills!

daddy helped too!

action even got involved

mission completion! thanks grandpa mike! ps. this is the bed dad built for luke..25 years ago? still rock solid! i told charlie "change of plans for earthquake! get in the bunk bed!" (previous plan was to crouch next to his other bed!) awesome dad! thank you. again and again! also. no one is allowed to sleep on the top until a railing is put in!

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