Tuesday, June 30, 2009

well, we've had our second ultrasound already. (one at eight weeks in the doc's office & this week at nine weeks in the actual ultrasound room!) last week, the doctors told us our eta for this kid is jan 30th. today's lady however said feb 2nd. but she suggests it is up to the doctor at this point to determine the actual date. SO...instead of nailing down the due date, we've expanded the window of opportunity!! anyways, so a pretty blurry picture here, but that's about as good as i can share today! head is on the left, the arrows are pointing to the very active arms!! one up one down!! this child was really active during this photo shoot! waving the arms all over & kicking his/her legs like a little jumping bean! heart beat today was heard at 160 beats per minute...whew!
guess all we know is to expect a healthy baby at the end of jan or beginning of feb right?!...sigh...ya know, last time i wasn't at all attached to charlie's due date until the day came, then went!! the doctors gave me the suggestion (and asked if i wanted to!) to do the early ultrasound because the earlier you do the imaging, the more accurate the due date is...i guess 72 hours difference isn't really that much right? it was fun anyways to see the little squirt and get to wave back ;)
fyi-i also got some test results back in the mail from the gallon of blood they took from me last week (okay, maybe not quite a gallon) and apparently i'm not fully vaccinated against the measles...SO...should you have the measles before i have this baby (i interestingly enough can't get the mmr shot until post birth..safe for me but not for baby?! sounds healthy ;) we'll have to wait until january(..or wait, or now february!) to visit!! oh, and by the way, since i have so much extra blood to spare, if you need some A positive, give me a jingle ;)

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