i have, in the background, kfor okc news live streaming on the laptop. they have continuous coverage of the oklahoma tornadoes. it is so comforting to see the loads of goods being dropped off at the news station to help the community. i heard last night when i was watching, you can text in money too. salvation army, red cross, and a few others, you can just text in ten bucks. i think i will do that when i find the numbers again. maybe if i put it on facebook, a few others will do it too. it seems the storms keep forming. not severe, but still complicates recovery in the downpours and lightning. (especially all the news cameras & trucks that are probably just bait for lightning!) i can't fathom searching for my boys in rubble, not knowing.
grandma and grandpa's neighbors came over, opened their storm shelter. but grandpa wouldn't go in. grandma did (as hard physically as that is for her) but grandpa refused. said he wanted to "watch the weather"..OR...maybe because of his dementia, he was anxious about crawling into a small box with strangers! (who are not really strangers, of course!)(he doesn't always recognize grandma).
check that weather. a new severe storm threat is forming in southwest ok.
how exciting! :( send your prayers please.
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