i passed out early tonight-hopefully i can sleep all night!!..however, the neighbors are being pretty noisy...i can see this will be a problem later when the weather is super nice-since right now the windows are closed with plastic over them still!!! (i love to bang on & drag my wee little (okay big) hands and make squeaky noises on the plastic! ) just a bit of an update since mom hasn't been keeping up on this blog (or talking really to anyone either!)...
i've been keeping her busy...reality has set in that it is only going to get crazier around here...she thought she had a tough time when i was immobile ;) sheesh..she's got something else coming! but she's running around like a zoombie (as do most new mom's i hear). grandma mary made her take a nap today (
twice this week actually!) she's (grandma) pretty good at that mom-thing! plus mom (& daddy worries too) is extra stressed becuase my rash (looks kinda like flea bites--i've had it since day one or two--has recently gotten
way worse...i have little bumps everywhere!!...i don't really pay much attention to them..maybe just some discomfort? we're going on thursday to see my pediatrition. up until now, she says they'll go away w/ age..and she doesn't know what they are...maybe thursday she'll have some new ideas...:p but i like to keep my fans guessing ;)
there is a picture here of me at the park! nearby my home is an elementry school that has an extra park outside the school park. excellent! i like going there, but the last few times we've gone, it has been just a hair too chilly!..so the visit was short! i watched w/ wonder the children kicking around a soccerball last time i was there. daddy doesn't want me to play soccer. ( and hockey is too expensive, so i'll have to play baseball i guess!) oh yes, & the park also has woodchips for the ground cover, and they are very appealing to me! they just look SO yummy!! mommy wonders how many times i pick up the exact ones that some other germy hands put into his mouth! (yuck!)
speaking of eating things i shouldn't, the big heads finally removed the kitty food from my reach. took them long enough don't you think!
i wonder how my diet is related to my rash..i eat all sorts of things. could it be an allergy do you think?...wheat & dairy restrictions are super popular, but
crap they're in everything!
grandpa mike came by today! i love to see him, he doesn't come visit enough. i played this afternoon like i was really shy & would tilt my head (ya know like the "aww shucks" look!) & lean into my mommy and smirk. we'll visit again soon, he'll be back this weekend to help in the yard! we're finally moving forward with removal of our debris/rotten old railroad ties & stump & such!
see the pics of me in the store w/ the balloon? that is me at the picture people. we're not going back. ever! but mommy had to make things right by getting my "baby pictures" before i got too old (which i already am!) we spent ten minutes shy of three (THREE) hours there. so when you grandmas/pas get your studio pictures, you better look at them often! anyways, i was graciously given this bopper balloon, and i LOVEd it!!! (i was full of smiles after the shoot!) got a couple cute shots. yeah..nothing more i want to say about them..they were nice. just real slow. the flash photography studio (albiet $$$) looks much more what i would be willing to pay studio costs for! we'll see :)
potty training is coming right along. i use it a couple times a day at least! almost every time i wake up from a nap-if we're home! and sometimes in b/w dirty diapers, mom will ask if i need to potty, and i'll go a little bit! yay!! ps, i still hate getting my diaper changed...you'd think after 9 months of this daily duty i'd relax a bit about it...but NOOOOOO!!!
we still haven't been swimming. mommy swore to me over half my life ago that we were starting "next" week. maybe she'll follow thru soon!.
next week we will be visiting grandma & grandpa barge! so very very excited!! my cousins will be there too! i'm looking forward to stirring up some trouble w/ my buddy jackman!
guess that's it for now.. thank you all for your love & support. one day soon i'll be wrapping my arms around you little neck & telling you i love you so much! until then, sweet dreams to you!