Tuesday, November 25, 2008

thanks for the letters...almost two decades ago!

a little side note from mom, cuz i'm pooped & am taking a nap!

hi guys! so, i've been putzing around in the attic, trying to give up items that may be utilized by others since we're just storing them (ooh, but i'm such a pack rat, & sentimental to boot too!!!) anyways, i've come across a box of letters. the real deal! hand written letters on papers with the postage stamps & all!! in 1990, stamps were only 25cents!! remember those? internet sure is nice, to have that instant gratification, but this box sure brought back a ton of memories!! for instance...

i'm pretty sure cousin katie & i kept the mailman in business!! holy cow!! we must have written a couple letters a week!! it was so amazing reading through these! & there were a few from vanessa, complete with secret letter coded messages she made & all! a few pictures from jolene, letters from beth. lots of letters from ruth & jeff! even a key chain w/ a buffalo on it. (guess what ruthie, this was for my 13th bday (or 12th?)& it was still taped to the letter, & since i need new key chain (cuz i keep grabbing brian's as my own, i'll put it on my keys today, thanks! also, a package of far side cartoons from you too!!-you must have cut them out of your calander! oh, also, i thought was quite ironic, was one letter from you (ruthie) was talking about not being able to let go of your high school indee shirt & how sentimental you are..as i'm reading this letter from..oh..like 19 years ago!! lol!!)

letters from grandma edwards, lynn, a letter from kelsey asking me not to write in cursive!! (LOL~i, to this day, am challenged w/ cursive!! in fact, in sixth grade, i got a C in cursive-straight A's otherwise, i cried so hard & was afraid to show my parents! obviously i never overcame my proper writing skills~!) i even found a letter from nana (my dad's dad's mom for those who don't know)!! letters from aunt barbara ann when whe was in panama! letters from mikey when he was in the marines! that one made me laugh out loud again, he was saying he was in choir in junior high & high school, but now (then!) he sings like a frog!! anyways, was a crazy trip down memory lane to go through this box...thought i'd give a couple of you some "wow"s & giggles!!...

honestly katie, we wrote alot huh?!?

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